Report Catalog

What is the Report Catalog?

The Report Catalog is your source for over 200 preloaded reports that cover all aspects of AIMsi. From here you can also access any custom reports you created using the Report Wizard.

Reports on the Report Catalog are grouped by type and each type has a tab that lists all relevant reports. These tabs are described below.

Customer tab

This tab includes any report that details information about your customers, such as any open accounts, mailing labels, or loyalty points.

Inventory tab

This tab includes any report detailing your inventory, such as inventory changes through Active-e, inventory aging, or inventory sold below minimum price.

Contracts tab

This tab includes any report relevant to your contracts, such as delinquency notices for delinquent contracts, new contracts, or a 12-month cash flow forecast for all active contracts.

GL tab

This tab includes any reports detailing your general ledger information, such as a daily balance sheet, a ledger audit, or payroll history.

Accts Payable tab

This tab includes any reports detailing your accounts payable, such as accounts payable invoices by date, printing checks, or lost discounts.

Purchase Order tab

This tab includes any reports detailing your orders, such as inventory on order, order on hold, or uncommitted orders.

Service tab

This tab includes any reports detailing your service tickets, such as services by status, services by technician, or service letters.

RePrints tab

Use this tab to reprint any receipts or invoices, such as a gift receipt, a consignment receipt, or a delayed delivery receipt.

Miscellaneous tab

This tab includes any reporting options that don't fit neatly into one of the other 8 tabs, such as time clock entries, AIMsi update notes, and security exceptions.

Lesson tab

This tab includes any reports relevant to lesson and appointment scheduling, such as attendance sheets, student absences, and schedules.